Friday, April 26, 2024

Final Blog Post - Relationship with Technology

The more and more technology advances, the more it consumes our everyday lives. I think my relationship with technology is healthy, but I consistently use it with being in college and as a form of communication to connect with others. In college, I am constantly on my computer completing assignments or looking up information to complete my assignments. Technology can be valuable information that can help improve your learning, but I agree it can also mislead you to the wrong information. There are so many websites with the information you are looking for, but it can be misleading because we can get lazy and use the information given to us first. Instead of doing the extra research by double-checking the website is telling the correct information. However, making sure you are using reliable sources that you know gives accurate information. 

Thinking about is technology something we should worry about and I personally do worry about it all the time. It is advancing every day and consuming people's lives. We can't go anywhere without our phones or checking social media. But it is something we just have to accept at this point and try our best to not get into an unhealthy relationship with it. Something that I always think about today, is how technology is shaping our younger generation. I babysit a lot of different families and it's interesting to see how the parents handle the technology. Some parents have screen time, where they can only go on their devices for a period of time. But the kids are just obsessed with watching TV, playing on their iPads, or even trying to go on my phone. They just find it fascinating what the technology can do. When I was younger we didn't have iPads and phones and we just played outside all day. It's hard for me to get these kids to just play outside, all they want to do is go on their iPads. So in some ways, I find technology negative because it's making people lazier and relying on technology more so than doing it themselves or getting the exercise our bodies need.

I also see technology in a positive way because we can connect with so many people and the technology behind healthcare is incredible. If it wasn't for phones or Facetime, it would be harder to connect with my family back in Pennsylvania. We can connect with family and friends right at our own fingertips. It helps keep a good relationship with my parents because I can catch up with them, or if I need something I can easily communicate with them. It also helps my relationship with my best friends who go to other colleges as well. Technology has its good and bad moments and it depends on how someone uses it. Like going back to healthcare, we can do amazing things now to help provide the care someone needs with the technology and advanced medicine we have today. If we didn't have this technology today we wouldn't be able to help people or save people's lives. There are so many other ways technology is used in a positive way, we just have to be careful because sometimes it can get scary and get out of hand. 

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