Monday, April 22, 2024

Blog #9 - In The Age of AI

What AI does is make money for corporate-owned companies like Google and TikTok. Companies use cookies which are data sources that stores information about your searches and things you are interested in. The companies will then sell your information to other companies and make money from your information. Companies of course have to ask for your consent before selling your information, but that is why it's called cookies. People think it is harmless and will protect your privacy, but really if you read all the terms and conditions, they are selling your privet information. The national security has concerns about what AI is doing with our data and Congress even called the owner of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg, to answer the questions of how our personal information is being used. He apologized for how out of hand the technology was getting and now Amazon started getting rid of third-hand parties that were getting our personal information as well. There are pros and cons of using AI, it helps better your experience with using Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. It can also bring people together who have the same interests. Having the same posts as some other friends comes up on your feed of Instagram.  But a con is, for example, Google and Amazon came out with a certain technology that you can put in every room in your own home. Asking the device questions or even taking a video for you. It's collecting data on what questions you are asking, what your voice sounds like today, and many more things it is trying to log in your own data. Another con is that any billionaire who can buy the equipment they need can also access your personal data as well. AI was created to perform certain tasks by a user, but if that user is using AI for the wrong reasons, it can get out of hand and people's identity and personal information are in danger.

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