Monday, March 25, 2024

Blog # 3 - Individual Self-Fulfillment

 While I was reading and reflecting on the eight values of free expression, the one value that struck me the most was number four: Individual Self-Fulfillment. The article says, "Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity - and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency, and autonomy." This value I believe is used a lot in today's society because I see it everywhere I go, through peers and the internet where I feel a lot of people use their First Amendment right to say things they believe in. 

The First Amendment - freedom of speech is so important in today's society. It allows us to express who we are as an individual, but also allows other people the opportunity to get to know our beliefs as well. If there was no First Amendment, the government would be controlling everything we say and believe, which in other words is compelled affirmation. The U.S. Constitution gives the government enough power to act on a national level, but not too much power that our rights would be at risk. 

Individual Self-Fulfillment value talks about creating your own identity. Therefore, by creating your own identity and expressing your beliefs, you can find people with similar beliefs/interests. It's a good way to build relationships and make friends. If I wasn't able to express my beliefs and opinions or practice things I am interested in, I probably wouldn't have the opportunity to make the connections I have today. Through the practice of religion, I study, I have had many opportunities to do amazing work through God. By making so many amazing connections with lots of different people. Many of my peers I met through the religion I practice, and many I am still close with today. I have gone to the same church since I was a little girl, everyone there knows me and it's such a welcoming community. Another amazing opportunity I have had through my church is we have traveled to Belize and Haiti over the past few years. I had amazing experiences on both trips and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to help others in need.

 I see people expressing themselves every day, whether it's through social media, how they dress, or joining clubs they are interested in. I go onto Instagram at least once a day and see people sharing ideas about politics or talking about ways to improve their health. For example, my sister is a doula (which is basically someone who helps a mother emotionally and physically before, during, and after childbirth). She has an Instagram page talking about everything a mother should know about childbirth, ways to improve your comfort through pregnancy, and so many other things. The First Amendment gives her the right to talk about what she believes in and she believes that a doula helps mothers have a better pregnancy experience. 

Lastly, "Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency, and autonomy." (From the last sentence in the article above). The meaning behind this sentence is "human agency refers to the capability of an individual to control her destiny and make choices to fulfill goals set autonomously. Human dignity is associated with the absence of feelings of shame and humiliation, and is ultimately related to social inclusion." I got this quote from ScienceDirect because I thought they explained this perfectly. But this is why this value feels most personal to me because I can have any goals I want, without feeling ashamed of myself for having them. I can become the woman I want to be and express myself in any way I want because of the First Amendment. It gives any woman the opportunity to be who they are and create their own dynasty without being shunned which I think is truly amazing.  

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