Sunday, April 7, 2024

Blog #6 - Timeline

 This blog post will be going through the different timelines of the newspaper. I will be discussing the experimental phase which is the pioneers to the saturation phase, in other words, the final majority of people. All following information came from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities

The newspaper pioneers were Johann Carolus and Lucas Schulte who printed their papers through Gutenberg Press in 1609. They were both located in Germany, however, they wouldn't say which city they were from to protect themselves from the government but you could identify it through their language.  

Over the next five years, the early adapters were the rest of central Europe in Vienna, Hamburg, Berlin, Basel, Frankfurt, and Amsterdam. Despite the concern of the government and the possibility of leading to prosecution, newspapers became very popular. 

Later in 1621, England published their first paper called the "Corante", featuring weekly news from various countries including Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, and France making them the early majority. 

By 1641, the late adapters finally distributed newspapers across Europe, with the first printings occurring in France, Italy, and Spain.

Finally, the laggers in 1690, Benjamin Harris tried to bring the newspaper to the American Colonies, but unfortunately failed. It wasn't till 1704 that the next newspaper was published called "The Boston News-Letter". After that publication, the newspapers took off in America, and the long tail of people creating newspaper companies and publishing many more newspapers to come.  

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