Saturday, April 13, 2024

Blog #7 - Diffusion of Innovations

 Tesla Cybertrucks

 Tesla cybertrucks have just been delivered to customers in November of 2023. Tesla has a strong customer loyalty base, and the early adopters wanted to be the first to get their hands on this new truck. The customers have either had a good experience with Tesla, or the appeal of the cybertruck sparked interest in new customers to purchase. There are several reasons why people are early adopters of the Tesla cybertruck: it has an innovative design that appeals to those who are looking for attention-grabbing and something different from all other automotive cars. It stands out from traditional pickup trucks, creating more of a futuristic design appeal. Another reason is the environmental impact, early adopters tend to be more conscious of the environment and want to see electric vehicles that reduce a carbon footprint. Choosing an electric truck over a gas-powered one can contribute to sustainability efforts. Finally, early adopters are often technology enthusiasts and appreciate advanced technology features in vehicles. Tesla is known for their advanced technology features like autopilot and the potential for self-driving future capabilities.  

On the other hand, late adopters or not adopters at all might take a while to like cybertrucks because some customers like familiarity and like having a traditional truck look compared to the new futuristic sleek look. Late adopters or non-adopters may find it more expensive than more affordable options. Also, owning an all-electric powered vehicle creates limited access to electric vehicle charging stations in certain regions, which may make owning an electric vehicle like the cybertruck less practical.

In addition, there are negative consequences to owning a cybertruck like durability concerns, range anxiety, and limited avalability. Tesla claims its Cybertruck is made of 30X cold-rolled stainless steel. Still, concerns exist about its durability and resistance to real-world damage, as scratches, dents, and other damage may be more visible or difficult to repair. Then, despite advancements in electric vehicles, potential buyers still face range anxiety, as the cybertruck's range may not be sufficient for long-distance travel or heavy towing needs. Finally, with cybertrucks being a new vehicle, production and availability may be limited. Leading to long wait times for customers, causing frustration and impatience.

Overall, there are positives to purchasing a Tesla Cybertruck with the vehicle being more environmentally friendly, advanced technology and having more of a unique look vehicle compared to the traditional truck style look. But there are negatives in purchasing one like costing more than other truck brands, the anxiety in range and the limitations in finding a charging station in some geographic areas, and finally the production of avalability that may lead customers to long wait times for them to have their own cybertruck. When looking at the cost-benefit analysis you have to take into consideration the potential customer's lifestyle and see if the cybertruck is the right vehicle you them while taking into consideration as well the positives and negatives of the Tesla cybertruck.  


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