Wednesday, April 3, 2024

EOTO - Learning Something New From Peers

 Last class, we had the opportunity to present to our fellow classmates a certain topic we picked from the Evolution Timeline of Communication Technology. Throughout my classmate's presentations, I learned so much new information and it was fascinating. 

One topic that stood out to me the most was the invention of Google. It was founded by two computer scientists named Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google officially launched in September of 1997. Their goal was to create a search engine that is more efficient and easier to find information. Google has grown so much today with a net worth of $223 billion and about 8.5 billion searches every day by people. Google is not just a search engine but also can be used to send emails, create documents, and now has software for phones and computers. Google also plays a huge part in the stock market and has been at the top for years overpowering another search engine company called Yahoo. Overall, Google is everywhere today and is used by almost everyone.   


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